With summer coming, popular MSU camps begin registration
Contact: Sammy McDavid
STARKVILLE, Miss.—Continuing a much-anticipated tradition for students in elementary through high school grades, Mississippi State announces its 2018 summer camp schedule.
The special programs are designed to expand personal knowledge and skills while providing lasting memories of Starkville university life in particular and higher education in general.
MSU Extension’s Center for Continuing Education serves as a clearinghouse for information about university camps. Parents are encouraged to contact individual camp coordinators or sponsoring departments for complete details and camp offerings.
The initial list of announced programs—with more camps to be added as details are finalized—includes (by category):
—Accelerating Students into the Accounting Profession (ASAP), July 15-18, 3-5 p.m., for rising high school seniors.
—Beekeeping Summer Camp, June 17-21, all day, for ages 10 and up.
—Bug and Plant Camp, July 10-14, all day, for ages 10 and up.
—Horse Judging Camp, July 1-3, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., for ages 10-18.
—Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Summer Camp, June 10-13, all day, for ages 15-17.
—iCREATE: Creative Retail, Entrepreneurship, Apparel and Technology Enrichment, June 17-23, 4 p.m.-midnight, for ages 14-17.
—Rural Medical and Science Scholars Program, June 7-Aug. 3, 1-5 p.m., for rising high school seniors.
—College of Veterinary Medicine Summer Camp, May 31-June10, all day with camp for ages 13-17 and overnight camp for ages 15-17.
—Conservation Camp: Wildlife and Recreation Edition, June 3-6, all day, for rising 7th graders through 2018 high school graduates.
—Conservation Camp: Discovery Days Edition, June 10-13, all day, for girls who are rising 9th graders through 2018 high school graduates.
—Conservation Camp: Day Camp Edition, June 18-22, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., for students going into grades 6-8.
—iFARM, June 9-13, all day, for youth in grades 5-8.
—Design Discovery, June 8-15, all day, for high school students age 16 and up and incoming college freshmen.
—iDESIGN, June 4-8, all day, for high school students age 16 and up and incoming college freshmen.
—INvision Summer Art Program, June 11-15, all day, for high school students age 16 and up and incoming college freshmen.
—Summer Scholars Production Camp, June 30-July 15, for students in grades 7-12.
—Summer Scholars Writers and Production Camp, June 24-July 15, for students in grades 7-12.
—Summer Theatre Workshop, June 24-July 15. High School juniors who are eligible for early college admission may earn four hours of college credit by registering for both Summer Scholars and for college credit.
—Bully’s Coding Academy, June 4-8, 9 a.m.-noon, for grades 3-7; 1-4 p.m. for grades 8-12.
—Machines and Things, June 11-15, 9 a.m.-noon, for students currently in grades 1-5.
—Cartoons and Castles, June 18-22, 9 a.m.-noon, for students currently in grades 1-5.
—Rescue Heroes, June 18-22, 1-4 p.m., for students currently in grades 1-5.
—Construction Site in Canton, July 9-13, 9 a.m.-noon, for students currently in grades 1-6.
—Pullback Car Frenzy in Canton, July 9-13, 1-4 p.m., for students currently in grades 1-8.
—Mississippi Summer Transportation Institute, June 10-23, for rising 9th, 10th and 11th graders who have good grades in algebra and at least one high school science class.
—BATMEN Academy, July 8-13, for young men enrolled in grades 7-9 for the 2018-2019 school year.
—WONDER Women Academy, July 15-20, for young women enrolled in grades 6-8 for the 2018-2019 school year.
For more details and to register for this year’s engineering academies specifically focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, go to www.bagley.msstate.edu/outreach/summer-engineering-academies. Vemitra White, director of educational outreach and support programs for MSU’s Bagley College, may be contacted at bagleysummer@gmail.com.
—Advanced Junior Golf Bulldog Camp, June 11-13, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., for ages 10-17.
—Bulldog Swim School at the Sanderson Center, dates and times to be announced.
—College Prep Camp, June 18-20, 9 a.m.-noon, for athletes in 9th grade or higher.
—High School All-Skills Baseball Camp, July 10-13, all day, for grades 7-12.
—High School Pitcher/Catcher/Infielder Baseball Camp, July 13-15, all day, for grades 7-12.
—High School Team Baseball Camp-Session 1, June 4-7, all day, for high school players.
—High School Team Baseball Camp-Session 2, June 11-14, all day, for high school players.
—Junior Golf Bulldog Camps I and II, May 29-June 1, 8:30-11:30 a.m., for ages 6-12.
—Junior Golf Bulldog Camp II, June 4-7, 8:30-11:30 a.m., for ages 6-12.
—Volleyball Team Camp, July 13-15, 9 a.m.-noon, for high school students and their coaches.
—Volleyschool, July16-17, 9 a.m.-3p.m., for girls age 8 and older.
—Youth Day Baseball Camp-Session I, July 16-19, all day, for 1st-6th graders.
—Youth Day Baseball Camp-Session 2, July 23-26, all day for grades 7-12.
—Youth Dawgs Summer Recreation Camp at the Sanderson Center, June 25-29, all day for ages 6-12.
Additional information on athletics camps is available at hailstatecamps.com.
For registration links and general information on MSU summer camp programs visit www.ce.extension.msstate.edu/programs/summer-camps.
MSU is Mississippi’s leading university, available online at www.msstate.edu.