Popular Templeton Genealogy Fair set for June 3 at MSU
Contact: Sammy McDavid
STARKVILLE, Miss.—For persons interested in genealogy and family history research, Mississippi State’s annual free event especially for them is less than a month away.
The fourth annual E.O. Templeton Jr. History and Genealogy Fair takes place 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. June 3 at the university’s Mitchell Memorial Library.
Due to space limitations, advance registration is recommended at http://library.msstate.edu/genealogy.
While there is no attendance fee, participants may choose to purchase an $8 boxed lunch with cash or check on the premises since online payment is not available.
Door prizes will be given away throughout the day. Tours of the Charles H. Templeton Sr. Music Museum and John Grisham Room will be available, and the Special Collections Department also will be open for research.
This year’s topic leaders and their specialty areas include:
—DeeDee Baldwin, Mitchell Memorial Library’s Manuscripts Division, “Breaking through ‘Brick Walls.’”
—Jessica Perkins Smith, also of the Manuscripts Division, “Digital Preservation of Family Records.” Baldwin is a co-presenter.
—Joyce Dixon-Lawson, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, “African American Genealogy in Mississippi.”
—Sarah Liljegren, University of Mississippi, “Using DNA Testing to Explore Your Family Tree.”
—Jennifer McGillan, Mitchell Memorial Library’s Manuscripts Division, “Introduction to International Records.”
For more on the fair, contact Neil Guilbeau at 662-325-7679 or email sp_collections@library.msstate.edu.
MSU’s library system is nationally recognized as a premier information center utilizing new and emerging technologies to provide a range of research services. For more, visit www.library.msstate.edu.
MSU is Mississippi’s leading university, available online at www.msstate.edu.